A Vintage Back Garden Wedding in Buckinghamshire

When Esme and Fraser booked me it was clear they had a very strong vision for their wedding – all vintage back garden wedding at home, surrounded by friends and family just having fun. And they really pulled it off!

Esme and Fraser just wanted a very relaxed day, so I went straight to the St Michaels and All Angels Church in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, for coverage from the ceremony onwards. Family and friends began to appear and Fraser was busy meeting and greeting them all. Esme arrived wearing a gorgeous dress, a fabulously coloured floral bouquet and the most amazing red shoes popping out underneath.

The wedding ceremony was full of lovely details about Esme and Fraser, and I loved the beautiful reading by a friend put together from song quotes! The ceremony was followed by confetti outside the beautiful church.

One of my favourite details of the day was Esme’s father’s Land Rover arriving with cool boxes full of drinks for guests to have straight after the ceremony and for the ten minute walk back through the village to Esme’s parents house. Esme, Fraser and I popped along a footpath into a beautiful meadow for a few quick photos before heading over the road to the party.

When guests arrived in the garden, they were greeted with the most glorious set up. There was bunting, fairy lights strung up, and small corners of detail everywhere you looked – rugs, sofas, picnic tables, garden sheds, a lantern-hung conservatory.

A huge selection of drinks were available – a make-it-yourself Aperol bar, barrels of beer, and a champagne bar to name a few. Guests were also spoilt with a tapas lunch, followed by a pizza from the back of a Land Rover by Woodfired Wonders in the evening, homemade puddings, and later into the evening fish and chips and S’mores around the firepits.

The day’s entertainment was the fabulous JJ and the Beatniks band and I cannot recommend them enough. Three sets of fabulous music played from their very own patio built specially into the garden for the day!

If you are looking for some inspiration for a vintage back garden wedding, or just the courage to know you can host a wedding in a small back garden, then please feel inspired by this magical day! It is possible! I would also love to be your photographer – your day would be right up my street!


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